Dungeons and Dragons 5e: Learn all about playing with and against the Monster(s) of the Month!

Mar 10, 11:00 PM – Mar 11, 12:00 AM (UTC)


In this interactive meetup, come learn how to both use, and play against the monster(s) of the month. The show will consist of a mix of experienced DMs as well as players from the community. They will play against the featured monster(s) for about 40 for 45 mins and then we will discuss the encounter from both the player and DM side for the remaining time.

About this event

In this interactive meetup, come learn how to both use, and play against the monster(s) of the month which will be determined through various polling methods. The show will consist some very experienced DMs who will be playing along side some players from the community. They will play against the featured Monster for about a half hour 45 mins and then we will discuss the encounter from both the player and DM side for the remaining time as well as answer questions from the audience. Giving a quick but in-depth review of how to better use these fun monsters in your own D&D games, and how to survive against them as players.

***If you would like to be a guest player on this show! Sign up as a "Featured Guest." Video Call capabilities required! Please check your emails and show up a couple minutes early for set up!***



  • Jeremy Johnston

    Unite the Factions

    Community Organizer

  • Angelo Corsino

    Unite the Factions

    Community Organizer


  • Jessica Phelps

    Fan Meetups Ambassador

  • Michael Cromarty

    Fan Meetups Ambassador

  • Jeremy Johnston


    Fan Meetups Ambassador

  • Angelo Corsino

    Unite The Factions

    FAN MEETUPS Ambassador

  • Sydney Oakman

    FAN MEETUPS Ambassador

  • Becca Flynn


    FAN EXPO HQ Marketing Coordinator


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