Loki Trivia for Glorius Purpose

Jul 29, 2021, 11:45 PM – Jul 30, 2021, 1:45 AM


Hey y'all! Do you Variants think you have what it takes to take down the TVA & He Who Remains in a battle of wit? Join us as we have a trivia show to end all trivia shows...because...well..it might be so epic we start a whole new timeline! As always cosplay is encouraged and there will be some awesome exclusive prizes for our winning teams. We will hopefully see you there, for all time, always.


  • Nadia Vasquez

    Fan Meetups Ambassador

  • Elizabeth Smock


    Fan Meetups Ambassador

  • Maddie Reznor

    Fan Meetups Ambassador

  • Arianna Cedeño

    Fan Meet Ups Ambassador