March Cosplayer of the Month: DFW Wonder Woman

Welcome to Cosplayer of the Month, where we feature our favorite cosplayer of… the month and learn about who they are beneath the surface and, ahem, WORBLA. This month, we have DFW Wonder Woman who has been cosplaying for four years and co-founded Cause to Play, a local charity that combines cosplay and philanthropy.


Tell us your first time putting together a Cosplay piece?
I had been volunteering at Cause to Play in literal Halloween costumes as Wonder Woman. But with the new Wonder Woman movie coming out, I set out to find someone to make me the armored suit in the film. I was connected with a FX artist in Northern Ireland called Evil Chimp FX. He made my EVA Foam suit and it was like Christmas morning when it arrived. I felt for the first time like a real Cosplayer!

What are the types of characters you’re drawn to cosplaying as?
Obviously Wonder Woman! Over time, I added more characters: Captain Marvel, Princess Leia, Sleeping Beauty, Aquaman’s Queen Atlanna. My new character this year is Wonder Woman’s Cheetah, which I will be debuting on the Saturday of FAN EXPO Dallas. I have usually been drawn to good girls who are independent and strong, but I think Cheetah will be the most fun to portray. You know what they say about bad girls: They are fun to play!

What do you want to achieve through cosplaying?
Interesting question. I think for me it’s to challenge myself to get better at this craft of emulating a character. There are expectations that I have and that others have of any particular character so my goal is to nail it. I also want to be looked to when others need help. I have people message me weekly on where to go to get suited up as Wonder Woman so I have helped countless numbers of women and men become their true Amazon Self. Oh, and through my cosplay persona I am able to navigate my Charity Cause to Play that I am a co founder of.

Follow DFW Wonder Woman on Instagram.

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